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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Rules of the Grocery Store

Going to the grocery store is a pain, so E and I go together to wallow in misery together.
However, I have to deal with E's past traumas as a bagger boy. E worked at the Red Food when he was a teenager. Once a week he, or some other 15 year old sap, would have to walk all around the shopping center to collect the Red Food carts.

So now, when we are at the grocery store parking lot, every time, he finds where some lazy ass left their cart somewhere in the lot other than the designated spot. I agree, it's not cool esp. when they get loose and hit cars. Needless to say, we always return the carts (rain or shine) to their proper cart area.

This is no bueno. Look at poor Taur-dogg perilously close to getting hit in the front bumper.

A little hard to see, but this about blew poor E's head off.

I get annoyed in the grocery store more than the parking lot, but who am I kidding, does anyone like going to the grocery store?
Here are some of my rules for society to not annoy me as much:
  1. Don't write a check- use a debit card. It's 2013. 
  2. Don't park your cart and fat ass in the middle of the aisle when you're deciding on what cookies to buy.
  3. It's not a fashion show, but please wear a bra and comb your hair. (We go grocery shopping early in the morning.) 
  4. Watch your purse ladies- I am temped to see if I can get away as a purse thief. I could in the grocery store.
  5. From E- don't offer the bagger a $0.25 tips if they help you out to your car. They probably can't accept them and then $0.25 is just an insult.  
Is it just me? Do you get annoyed at the grocery store?


  1. OMG the carts thing drives me nuts!! And I've been known to write checks because I am ALWAYS losing my debit card, but I fill it all out in advance so only have to do the amount real quick ;)

    Nice to find a fellow DC-area blogger!!

    1. Well, you get a pass for checks if you're fast :) Thanks for checking my blog out- in in NoVa also (technically)!


Thanks for your comments kind readers- prost!

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