I've been a very naughty little snacker lately (afternoon chocolate- yes, please)
which means extra trips to the gym so I can still look like this:
yea, this isn't me
Now that I am going to the gym more frequently, I want to lay the law down for the patrons of the Capitol Hill Gold's Gym:
- Please shower daily and wear deodorant. There is no way some of these people can smell THAT bad unless they are skipping showers. Yes, I got off the machine next to you when you got on, because you STINK!
- Ladies, there's no need to spritz yourself before your workout with Forbidden Fantasies, Victoria's Secret, Bath and Body, or whatever other shit you have.
- Men, please be aware of your undergarments. If you wear boxers and then get on the inner thigh weight machine, someone might see your little mushrooms peeking out.
Since I'm not perfect, I'd like to share a story from the gym today:
I stopped at the restroom before changing and the auto toilet wasn't flushing, so I leaned over to push the button. I had my gym bag over my shoulder, and out flops my plastic reusable water bottle. Right into the toilet. I plucked it out & threw it away, but there were still little plastic water bottle pieces floating in the toilet. So if the women's toilet overflows at Capitol Hill Golds- my bad.
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