Every Friday, the hubs and I try to go on a "date". This isn't difficult because we don't have kids. It's more an excuse not to cook dinner (oh and of course talk and spend quality time yada yada yada).
Yesterday, we went to Shirlington, a local neighborhood in Northern VA. I love it because you can walk around, window shop, pet other people's dogs, and snoop at what people on the patios are eating.
Living in the DC area is funny- I have noticed there is always a food store trend. There's one cupcakery and then seemingly overnight, they multiply like rabbits. There's or course the cupcakery, then there was the gelato or fro yo, the food truck, and now I am noticing gourmet olive oil and balsamic stores.
Last night we sampled many a fine infused balsamic and took home a $20 bottle of cucumber melon infused balsamic vinegar (oh, to be a yuppie). This weekend, we are going to make a heirloom tomato, buffalo mozzarella, and basil salad and drizzle it with this.
For dinner we went to Medi, it's a Mediterranean Chipotle (add that to the food fad list- other ethnic Chipotles).
I am curious if these food trends are occuring in other big cities or even if it gets to smaller cities. Must do further research on this.