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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Savin' moolah

A recent article said the most overlooked money saving coupons are the surveys at the bottom of receipts. Well, I love to save money, as well as taking surveys, secret shopping, and focus group participation. (Yes, I have done and will continue to do all of these. I like the extra money and I think subconsciously my ego and bossy personality like an outlet to voice all of my important opinions on everything.)

Today, I went to a diner around the corner from my training class for lunch and I got $5 off my next meal of $15. Pretty good deal, right?! Tomorrow, I will be meeting the hubs there for another lunch & saving money too. I do realize that bringing my own lunch is still probably cheaper than eating out with a $5 off coupon code, but whatever, a coupon always makes me feel good about spending some money.

Yum, yum, food tastes better when you don't pay full price!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Adult education

This week I'm taking a continuing education class. This was one I chose, so it's better than a mandatory class on exciting topics mgmt chooses.
I like to learn
It's a resume builder
Exciting new lunch venues

Dumb asses & brown nosers in class. Adults are far worse than children.
There's always a slob that shows up one step up from their pajamas
No one to eat with at above stated exciting new lunch venues (see above reasons)
These classes start early
Missing snack time

Sunday, July 29, 2012

1 week soda free!

The hubs and I recently watched "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead". (It's a great movie, you can watch for free here: http://www.fatsickandnearlydead.com/)
We promptly went out and purchased a Jack Lelanne juicer & this is what our fridge looks like:

& the counter:
I tried to do a weekend juice cleanse, but it resulted in 1 day of juice followed by a weekend on binging on Ben & Jerry's pints (oh yes, that's plural).
The only plus that came from the weekend juice cleanse, is I went cold turkey from the Diet Coke. (For non-Southerners, "Coke" is ANY kind of soda or pop in the South, whether it be Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, etc.) This Friday, I was one week soda free!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Fri. date night

Every Friday, the hubs and I try to go on a "date". This isn't difficult because we don't have kids. It's more an excuse not to cook dinner (oh and of course talk and spend quality time yada yada yada).
Yesterday, we went to Shirlington, a local neighborhood in Northern VA. I love it because you can walk around, window shop, pet other people's dogs, and snoop at what people on the patios are eating.

Living in the DC area is funny- I have noticed there is always a food store trend. There's one cupcakery and then seemingly overnight, they multiply like rabbits. There's or course the cupcakery, then there was the gelato or fro yo, the food truck, and now I am noticing gourmet olive oil and balsamic stores.
Last night we sampled many a fine infused balsamic and took home a $20 bottle of cucumber melon infused balsamic vinegar (oh, to be a yuppie). This weekend, we are going to make a heirloom tomato, buffalo mozzarella, and basil salad and drizzle it with this.
For dinner we went to Medi, it's a Mediterranean Chipotle (add that to the food fad list- other ethnic Chipotles).
I am curious if these food trends are occuring in other big cities or even if it gets to smaller cities. Must do further research on this.

Friday, July 27, 2012

What's in my desk

Several times, I have had to empty out a co-workers desk without them there. You'd be surprised what people keep in their desks (hello, pregnancy test, really?)
It made me think, what would someone think if they had to empty out my desk?

#1. Kim shouldn't have spent so much money on shoes and probably invested in some baking soda for that drawer.

Wow, I have a problem. I need to take better care of my shoes.

#2. Does Kim work or just eat all day?

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