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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Humpday Confessions: Pregnancy Edition

Linking up with Vodka and Soda for some Humpday confessions.  I thought I'd give you all a peek into my pregnancy experience thus far.

I walk around with my pants unbuttoned all day with the equivalent of a tube top covering it. For jeans, I have a rubber band that strains to keep some semblance of "pants buttoned".

I might be a little moody. When the cafeteria ran out of big, soft, salty pretzels, I felt apocalyptic. Yea, I wrote them a note too. I'd love to hear the reaction of the person that reads that one. "Hardy har, this fat a** is concerned about running out of pretzels at 2p"

My face is broken out and around my mouth too, so it looks like I have the Herp. (I’ve never had a cold sore, so I don’t know what it’s supposed to be like, but hey, why not start now!)

I am not “showing”; I just look chubby. At least everyone knows now so they can’t judge!
  Sorry, any chance I can get to get a picture of a fat cat on the blog, I must take. It's a problem really.
All I feel like eating is (giant soft) pretzels and Mexican food. Unfortunately, both give me horrid heartburn.

I haven’t worked out since early January. I've been feeling much better, it's just that there's such good TV on right now! I keep saying I’m going to walk when it gets warm outside, so we’ll go with that for now.

I know I'm extremely lucky and I can't wait to have bay-bay, so here's some positivity so I'm not too complainy in one post.


  1. when i was preggo, i went thorugh a GIMME ALL THE CHEESEBURGERS! phase, followed by GIMME ALL THE BUBBLE TEA!

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  2. I can't wait for the weather to get nicer! Until then, it's sweats and Netflix though!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oops, that was me under Mike's email before. I love reading your preggo updates. You are going to be the best mom. Wish you lived closer!

  5. Uhm--I'm not pregnant and I get stabby when places run out of something I want. ;)

  6. There are too many good shows on right now to change out of my sweats and get off the couch!
    I get so mad when food runs out, and I'm not even pregnant ha ha.
    Two years of being pregnant? No thanks :)

  7. Bahahah! Oh my god I would've LOVED to hear the letter you wrote them about the pretzels! What a travesty of injustice dammit!

  8. You complain all ya want! Some people say that pregnancy is so magical and a miracle and I'm like, Be quiet. Until you've been pregnant, don't tell me that it's magical and miraculous feeling huge, sweating, and having mood swing. Thank you. So, when ya due? Visiting from Kathy's blog.

  9. im so excited about this little babe!!! I have a feeling you are a very cute preggo!!!


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