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Monday, March 3, 2014

Oscars & a Shameful Confession!

Work is closed again today due to weather. I received the email last night, so I actually stayed up and watched the Oscars (well, until 11p, then I got too tired, so I really missed the best parts).
Best Dressed (imo) was Charlize Theron!Well have to see what the Fashion Police on E! says tonight.

I also really liked Kerry Washington and Camilla Alvez's dresses.
I loved Jared Leto & Lupita Nyong'o's speeches, the selfie and pizza, and of course the fashions. Did you get that Jared Leto is 42?! Wow.
What I didn't like about last night were the haters on Twitter. I don't use Twitter (my generation uses Facebook), but I thought it would be fun to see what Ellen and Chrissy Tiegen were up to. My Twitter was blown up with random blogs I've followed to enter into a giveaway, and ya know what, some of them were just nasty (I can't find any good examples, but someone insulted Jared Leto's speech saying play the music! No one puts Jordan Catalano in a corner!) Anyway, I took some time to clean up my following  list- ain't nobody got time for negativity.

Now my shameful confession. I love movies, but maybe I shouldn't claim that anymore. Saturday I decided to watch Heat on HBO on Demand. It took me an hour into the movie to realize that Al Pachino and Robert DeNiro were 2 separate people/ characters. I had to ask Ethan to help with the plot and he was horrified (yet again). That movie is from '95, and he still remembered the plot and actors! Sigh.

Well I'm off to rack up some On Demand bills (I wonder how many Oscar films I can watch today?).  Stay safe and warm!


  1. imo, if you can't remember the plot, then the movie isn't great to begin with. i'm like that; for plots that are "meh", i don't put in the brain power to follow. sort of like true detective *gasp*. i know, i'm trying to get into it but it's so freaking slow and i'm getting distracted and i can't follow the story.

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  2. I don't watch awards shows but I always love seeing what people wore to them. I loved Charlize's dress BUT I didn't like the weird neckline... are there clear straps? I'm confused! hahaha

  3. Must not have been a very good movie ha ha, whenever I find myself asking about the plot it's because it wasn't good enough for me to keep interest in ha ha. I didn't watch the Oscars.. so I have no idea about what anyone wore or won, whoops!


Thanks for your comments kind readers- prost!

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