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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Good

A lot of good has been happening as well as bad and my peep over at Champagne-n-Pizza, who redid my blog, is having this super-fantastic, positive link up. So here are ten things that are good in my life.
1. I am so thankful for parents that I'm close with & that came to help us move.
2. Minor League baseball game promos. We took the 'rents to Star Wars night at the Bowie Baysox.
3. Fireworks- the baseball game ended with fireworks (and they were actually really good)! Best $15 for a ticket I've spent in a long time.
4. Themed dinners. We had an authentic crab boil (well Wegman's steamed them for us) for my    parents' last night with us.
5. Wegman's!- My new favorite grocery store ever. Live music, samples out the wazoo, LOVE!
6. I am also thankful for a sweet hubs who picks the meat from crabs and puts it on my plate because I am grossed out by the innards :)
7. Soft kitty, warm kitty, purr purr purr (Big Bang Theory reference for those of you that don't watch the show)
8. We has a house!

9. Chick-Fil-A. I love their char-grilled sammishes, they're healthy and cheap, and there's a Chick-Fil-A right down the road from our new place!
10. My blog & all my bloggy friends who make my day with their comments :)


  1. Your house looks awesome!

    That crab dinner looks amazing! And I don't even eat seafood! :)

    Lucky with the chik-fil-a! I had that for lunch yesterday! Yum!

  2. i loved this link up! I love minor league baseball too! we havent been to a baysox game but we have gone to a few bluecrabs games...so cheap and fun!

  3. ...little ball of fur! i love BBT :)

    love the positive vibe of this post :)

    1. Sheldon and BBT are the best! I'm usually snarky- I'm just positive thanks to Rita Marie's link up ;)


Thanks for your comments kind readers- prost!

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