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Friday, June 28, 2013

Summertime Bucket List

1. Try Strawberritas (I didn't care for the Limearitas, so I'm hoping with luck here).

2. Find a pool in my new 'hood, or perhaps join the swanky Belair Swim & Racquet Club. 
3. Read an awesome “beachy” read.

4. Make it to Solomon’s Island or a local beach for the day. Seriously we live like an hour away.
 5. Hold my sweetie's hand while we lie on a blanket watching fireworks.
6. Make sun tea.
7. Go to an awesome summer festival in DC. I’m going to try this one today.
8. Have another crab boil and pick my own crabs (did that sound nasty to you too?)!
9. Get fresh berries from a farmer’s market (I’ve tried to get the hubs to go with me to a farm to pick them, but no going. He could pssible be bribed, but I need to find a closer farm)
 10. Use said fresh berries to make a pie (mmm, my inner fat kid is going bananas right now, mmmm banana puddin’, mmmm)
11. Find a dock on the bay and sit and watch the tide roll away and waste time ;)

With that, I am linking up with Whitney again for #backthatazzup Friday. (Will Smith wasn’t reaaaaaly a rapper (sorta though right?))

Welcome Summer!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Moving for Dummies

1. Thou Shalt NEVER pay for boxes. Get them for free on Craigslist or at liquor or grocery stores. If you are classy like me, you go dumpster diving and find other awesome treasures.
2. Duh,  heavy items (like books) in small liquor boxes and light stuff (like pillows) in the big boxes. 
3. Thou Shalt pay for good packing tape and bubble wrap. Seriously, nothing is worse than hearing your boxes popping open in the middle of the night because of cheap tape.
4. Thou shalt also pay for good movers. Worth every penny. Your back will thank you. 
5. A good Southern Belle offers her movers water and lunch. Treat people good and they will work hard for you.
6. Wrap valuables in t-shirts and sheets to save on bubble wrap.
7. Get your hair cut and wash your sheets before you move. Lord knows when you'll have time to do it after.
8.  Paint before you move in (if you can).
9.  Plan on moving your food (like on a cooler) before the last minute or you could end up with a trash bag full of condiments in your car and a broken Worcestershire bottle in your backseat. (and that will smell every time the car gets hot, like every day).
10.  Stay organized (my motto fo' life!). Having a sheet of paper (I referred to mine as my "moving manifesto" and might have distributed copies to my parents and husband) with all the phone numbers for the day of (with new account numbers) is soooo convenient.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Good

A lot of good has been happening as well as bad and my peep over at Champagne-n-Pizza, who redid my blog, is having this super-fantastic, positive link up. So here are ten things that are good in my life.
1. I am so thankful for parents that I'm close with & that came to help us move.
2. Minor League baseball game promos. We took the 'rents to Star Wars night at the Bowie Baysox.
3. Fireworks- the baseball game ended with fireworks (and they were actually really good)! Best $15 for a ticket I've spent in a long time.
4. Themed dinners. We had an authentic crab boil (well Wegman's steamed them for us) for my    parents' last night with us.
5. Wegman's!- My new favorite grocery store ever. Live music, samples out the wazoo, LOVE!
6. I am also thankful for a sweet hubs who picks the meat from crabs and puts it on my plate because I am grossed out by the innards :)
7. Soft kitty, warm kitty, purr purr purr (Big Bang Theory reference for those of you that don't watch the show)
8. We has a house!

9. Chick-Fil-A. I love their char-grilled sammishes, they're healthy and cheap, and there's a Chick-Fil-A right down the road from our new place!
10. My blog & all my bloggy friends who make my day with their comments :)

Monday, June 24, 2013

A Quick Recap of the Bad

Sooo, moving SUCKS. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, and we had awesome movers from Two Marines Moving, but it still SUCKED!
My 'rents were in town for a week and a half to help. They were a HUGE help, but I felt awful they just ended up working most the time.
Here's a quick picture recap of all that's been going on as it's been very exciting- NOT. Tomorrow I will follow up with the fun stuff we actually did.

  1. Our car's check engine light came on the day we moved. We took it in the next day and thought we'd get the MD state inspection. I got a rental car and chose a huge truck because I thought I could buy some furniture and haul it. Didn't happen, but I still got to be a bad a** with  big truck for 2 days. 
  2. We painted 4 rooms with 2 coats each in the new heezy in 2 days.  I am still picking paint out of my hair. Yes, I chose "key lime pie" for my bathroom.
  3. I went to the DMV on one of my days off and it was 3.5 hours and I go there when they opened. Apparently, your proof of residency docs have to have your full name on them, while the change of address letter I brought from the USPS only said "Brown" on it. Grrrrr.
  4. I did get a plant and a welcome mat for our porch though. The bad is my legs are so big and white & I want to be skinny and tan. Le sigh. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

E's Post: Boys Behind the Blog Link Up

When I heard about this link up from Mal over at Mal Smiles, I couldn't wait to involve E with my blog. 
Boys Behind The Blog

I realize my hubs likes to joke around.a.lot. I had to google several of his answers as well. I'll try to interpret.

1. Does your wife use your real name or a nickname on her blog?
Nickname.  My Christian name is Dr. Kenneth Noisewater.  (Reference from Anchorman)

2. If you had a blog, what would the title be?
Brain Sausage (This is a play on Little Pink (Brain) Droppings)

3. Do you ever feel ignored by her because of the blog?
No, but I find myself watching TV alone on the couch while she types. 

4. How has her blog changed or evolved throughout your relationship? 
It's aging like a fine wine. 

5. What is your favorite post on her blog?
Anything with cats.  

E also likes pickles.

Over and out until next Mon. when I'll hopefully have some pics of the new house!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Moving On Up

Whoo hoo, the parents are arriving tonight to help us paint, move, unpack, and all that good stuff.
My pops recently retired, so this is his first big vacation, poor guy.
I will be MIA for a few days since I will be *gasp* without Interwebz and will also be pretty busy. BUT, in the mean time, one of my stylish bloggy buds, Rita Marie has generously offered to re-do my design! She just re-did hers, and I love! So, when I come back next week, it'll be a new Little Pink Droppings.

Anyhoo, what's a blog without pics.
Apparently, one kitty (fat Gus), loves selfies. It took me 20 fuzzy shots to get this with Brutus. 

 This is me last night among the boxes, right before my awesome dance. 

The pics of my dancing were so atrocious, but because I like y'all, I'll give you a glimpse. 
Don't even ask.

So Long, Farewell,  auf Wiedersehen, Good-Bye (for now)!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Brain Droppings Wed.

Here are my random rants, or brain droppings as the hubs calls them. He's heard all of these already and ambivalent, so I thought others out there in blogland might appreciate them more!
  • NSA scandal- who else was not surprised? If you think putting anything on the interwebz is "private", then you are wrong. If you don't think social media is gonna sell your shizz, you are so dum (in my best Antoin Dodson voice). Anyhoo, I don't care if Big Brother wants to see my cat pictures because I don't do anything illegal and if "spying" helps to stop terrorists or even catch a catfishing murderer, then do it. Sheesh. Remember, always ask before posing "is this something I wouldn't mind my employer or mother knowing?" If no, then don't put it out there, or better yet, don't have a Facebook account or use free email services. Ain't nuthin' free in this life.  
  • Speaking of cat pictures, my new favorite thing might be taking selfies with my chubba bubba, Gus.
  • Why do kitties faces get cuter when they get chubbier, but people's faces aren't lookin' so good as they gain weight? 
  • If you give blood at work and feel lightheaded, 'tis better to say something and daintily fall onto the Red Cross bed to pass out than say in the cafeteria in front of male co-workers. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What Can You Do Without?

We have been packing for the last four weeks and are now pretty much done. This week, I have 2 black skirts, 1 grey skirt, and a handful of shirts & getting dressed for work has been super quick and easy.

Looking into my clean closet, I was reminded of Amish, Buddhists, Nuns (and hippies) who forgo material possessions for a simpler more spiritual lift. And I sometimes think I would like that. I get so over Tory Burch flats, Louis Vuitton purses, and other ridiculously overpriced status items. (At least until we move and I go crazy at HomeGoods.)

Anyhoo, further evidence is in The Happiness Project. Anyway, the first chapter talks about organizing and how people are happier when they have less choices (like an overfull closet compared to a closet with a few items that fit aren't unmanageable).

What could you do without in your closet or life?

Monday, June 10, 2013

A Weekend Surprise

Most of  Saturday, E and I cleaned and packed until we ran out of boxes. As soon as that happened, I hopped on the bed for a nap and when I awoke, made E take me out to dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant, Guaops. I rationalized with him that after dinner, we could hit up CVS for boxes (like their free packing boxes, not actually buy them).

Guapos was delicious as always. Plus I love they know what I'm taking about when I want a "Skinny Girl" margarita.

You know when you walk in and see the tortilla maker and a little lady making homemade guac with a mortar and pestle; it’s going to be awesome.  

We went to CVS with nice plump bellies, but they didn’t have any boxes, so I suggested the grocery store across the street. Apparently Saturday isn’t a big shipping day (der), so as we were leaving, E’s beady little hawk eyes spied a recycler. It was good, but only had smaller boxes, so we drove around the corner to where all the recyclers & dumpsters where. I checked out one, while E walked ahead to scout the other one. (Yup, me in my maxi skirt and white lace shirt and E in his Polo were dumpster divers).
I didn’t see E for a while, so drove the car up to get him.  He was practically jumping up and down when I got there. Apparently, he found some (tranny) adult entertainment sitting on the top of the boxes. It was just the cases, but was a pretty funny surprise. 
 sorry, blurred out for the decency of my blog's sake

Sunday we packed some more and I watched the worst movie I have ever seen in a while- Bachelorette (it was supposed to be like the Hangover with women), but it wasn’t funny and the ladies were just horrible people, and I can’t believe I watched it all.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Forgive Me Father: Blog Confessional

I have a few confessions to make:
  1. I have been a bad blogger/ commenter/ responder to comments. I don't anticipate I'll get better until after we close and move. Sawwwy.
  2. I rented Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2 this past weekend (yes, I've seen 1) and I LOL'ed so loud E came out of the other room to what was so funny (and made a weird face when he saw what I watching).
  3. Our precious quality time is spent with E playing video games in one room, while I watch a movie in another. #marriage
  4. I seriously did this to my earbuds. 
  5. I also carry around an iPhone and iPod. Why don't I combine them already?!
  6. I ate fro yo fro dinner last night. I'm now considering packing what's left of our kitchen wares so I can do it again every day next week. 
  7. I really can't figure out how to dance to Dubstep music. You can't twerk it, the cabbage patch is out, and so is the sprinkler, so what else is there?! With that, I'm linking up with Whitney to get this party started for the weekend!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Saving It

I have a terrible habit of buying nice clothes, shoes, and home stuff and then SAVING IT for a special occasion. I got this dress at TJ Maxx at the end of the season last year and thought this will be perfect for a springtime event, like a horse race or party.
Well, guess what, it was still in my closet with the tags on, and today I decided, no more saving it. Today is just as good a day as any to wear something new & nice.

Sidebar: I must look like hell most days because everyone commented on how nice I look and do I have an event after work? Ha!

This is my terrible attempt at being a "fashion blogger"

Do you save stuff?

Monday, June 3, 2013

Latest Obsession: Game of Thrones

Wow- did any of you out there see Game of Thrones last night? I haven’t read the books, so last night was a big surprise to me- horrifying, but I absolutely cannot wait for the season finale next week! I need to get on the interwebz tonight to do some research. Any thoughts on if the pretty bride was really his daughter, & then why did he only show them the homely girls? To scare them? I also kinda missed who the Lord was sitting next to Catelyn Stark.
Anyhoo, back when I was digging on Downton Abby, I was obsessed with reading, eating, and dressing everything Downton Abby. So, here is what I recommend if you’re digging on GoT right now.

  • Read: Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet. One of my favorite books. of. all. time.
  • Go to your local Ren Fest. Super nerd fun, but right out of that time with (fake) jousts, games like throwing an ax into a wood target, and everyone yells huzzah!

We went to this one in MD & it’s the biggest in the nation (I think or I could be making that up). You should come out & go with me! It's the best people watching you'll ever get. 
A lot of bra-less ladies that should have support are there.

Just take pics of your wives with strangers in creepy costumes- it's all good.

I have no words. (It was easy in the 90s when we went)

  • Buy some mead  (yummy honey wine) & drink in a pimp goblet while you watch Game of Thrones OR if you’re brave, you can make it yourself. 
  • I also kinda want to do some cool braids in my hair, but my hair is too fine and I'm too uncoordinated and would look more like Osha (right) than a dragon queen (left). 
Do you watch Game of Thrones or would you ever go to a Ren Fest?

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