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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Another Year, Another Leibster

I've was nominated for a Leibster last year, but sweet Kenzie has nominated moi again!

In case you forgot the rules, the Liebster Award is awarded to new bloggers by other bloggers. These new bloggers may have a smaller following, but show potential for growth. Here are the rules for the Liebster Award: 1. Link back to the blogger that nominated you; 2. Answer the 11 questions requested by the person who nominated you; 3. Choose 11 nominees with smaller followings (ranging from 200-2,000); 4. You cannot nominate the person who nominated you; and 5. You must let the bloggers know they were nominated.
Same as last year, I don't really follow the rules when it comes to these. I don't know 11 blogs to nominate (none of the blogs I read are "new") and I nominated last year, so I'm taking a pass.  I know I'm not in the spirit of things, but I try to link back to blogs I like and read often :).

1. What is your favorite thing about blogging? The awesome people you connect with.

2. If you had an afternoon all to yourself, what would you do with it? If money is no object, have a fabulous facial and massage at one of the fancy spas in DC.

3. What is your favorite hobby? Scrapbooking, although I never do it.

4. What is the last thing you did outside of your comfort zone?  I dunno- I don't like to talk on the phone (I prefer email), so making a phone call to offer condolences to someone I didn't know well.

5. What is one thing you wish people knew about you? I'm an open book, and most people think I’m really outgoing, but it takes me a while to get there. I’m really shy & insecure around new people.

I guess since this is a pretty narcissistic post, I'll post a pic of myself. This is my "ask me about myself" pose.

6. What is one goal that you have set for yourself this year? Pay off one of our many student loans.

7. You have a free night, go out or stay home? Depends, I like to stay in when it’s cold like now, but definitely go out and walk around when it’s warm.

8. If you could have any job, what would it be? Something where I felt like I really made a difference, like a vet or a smartie that could research cures for diseases.
9. What is your morning routine like? Snooze 5 times, get myself ready as fast as possible (brush teeth, contacts, full makeup & get dressed), always make the bed no matter no late I am (defies login I know), throw my lunch I made the night before in my scraggly Vera Bradly bag (those things are not meant to hold up to daily Metro commutes) and out the door I go.

10. What is your favorite book? Hmmmm, so hard, I have so many. I love Pillars of the Earth, Roses, I Know This Much is True, Nineteen Minutes, and Savannah Blues are my top 5 (for now).

11. If you could have a $500 gift card to any store, which would you choose? TJMaxx or Target. 



  1. my fav is crafting too - not so much scrapbooking - but i just love all of the supplies/stationary :)

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  2. Im with you on TJ Maxx or Target. Or Homegoods!

  3. I am SO shy and insecure around new people despite the fact that I come across to most as outgoing. I also always always always make the bed (no matter what). I loved nineteen minutes but I read it SO long ago that I'm considering reading it again!

  4. I love scrapbooking too, but I haven't done it in forever! I wouldn't mind starting back up again though.
    Target is definitely a good choice! I love that store :D

  5. I love scrapbooking, too! I'm so behind on it right now though. :(


Thanks for your comments kind readers- prost!

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