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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Humpday Confessions

I've had my 2 mo. sabbatical. What have I been up to- travelling the world, finding a cure for cancer? None of the above, just hibernating? Ding ding ding. (confession #1)

# 2. I had no idea who to root for in the Superbowl. Peyton did go to my Alma Mater (UT!) and he seems so nice, but there is another Broncos player that went to my Alma Mater, I'll refer to him as "Summer's Eve".  Another Broncos player did a terrible reality TV show on E!, I'll call him Massengill. Plus, the Seahawks had those flashy lime green splashes of color on their uniforms. It was hard. I just ate spinach artichoke dip.

3. I tried to binge-watch Breaking Bad, but just couldn't get into it.

4. I might go Bridesmaidzilla for my little brother's wedding. I am so excited for the shower and rehearsal and everything! I created a Pinterest page for the shower and everyone's probably confused since I've been married for oh 7 years. Also, I'm the oldest Bridesmaid (or am I a Bridesmatron?)

5. I recently re-discovered the EMP (English Muffin Pizza) and grilled cheese. It's all I eat for dinner anymore. So much for healthy eating in the New Year.

Well, that's about all I can handle until I get back into the swing of things. Pictures next post, promise!


  1. hey!! are you only back for today? you can't just drop in and disappear like that!!!! (hope you've been well, though).
    thanks for linking up!!

    Vodka and Soda

  2. Finally, I was wondering if you were knocked up or something! Good to see you back!


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