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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Five Things Tag

Yay, I am so honored to be tagged by Erin at The party girls guide. This is my first "tag" by another blogger, so I'm super pumped and will try to do a good job. I'm not fully playing along because I am such a newb (that short for "newbie", mom & dad), I can't think of 5 other bloggers I want to tag (and I'm shy & it's too much like asking someone out!)

I am lazy, but will not recycle these 5 previously used fun facts about myself.
So here are 5 random facts about moi:
  1. My first job (at 16) was at the Gap, which I loved. I also coincidentally met my future hubs there &  knew when i first saw him we would be together. (awww, sooo schmoopy)
  2. Speaking of firsts, my first "real" job out of college was a manager at Hollister. It lasted a week. I did participate in a class action lawsuit against them a few years later and got $3000. 
  3. I wanted a dog when we lived in NYC, but E say no (it wouldn't be fair to the dog with a tiny 1 bedroom and no yard- probably true), so I said I was getting 2 cats instead. I had never owned cats and didn't even really like them. I just wanted a pet. These ones turned out OK ;)
C'mon, they are like dogs. Look at Brutus drinking out of the toilet!
    4. I am addicted to space heaters. Notice the one in the picture above. I always have it on in      the bathroom while I'm getting ready. I also have one at my desk at work that I always keep on. Summer or winter, they're going.
    5. I'm 5'10" and weight 128- j/k, I weigh enough to give double red blood cells (which is a high threshold). I used to hate being so tall, but am finally starting to be OK with it. 
It's all I got folks. New goal is to make more blogger friends to tag them next time I get tagged.

Monday, April 29, 2013

A Goodwill Weekend

I was off Friday (as I am every other Friday) and had a doctor appointment.
The docs office is close to the Arlington Goodwill, so I thought I’d poke in to see what treasures await (especially since we might be home owners soon- as long as this appraisal is fine).
I found the most awesome lamp. It just needed some TLC (and a complete re-wire).  I remember my dad doing this when I was younger, so I thought, it can’t be that bad. (My dad gets Handyman magazine and is also an engineer, but in my mind, my skill level MUST be the same since we’re blood).
I also found a few other treasures for our new abode, but that’s another blog post.
This is dedicated to my DIY lamp project.
Lowe’s sold a re-wire kit that included the harp (the thing that holds the shade up). For some reason all the lamps at Goodwill had their harps removed. You should have some basic tools like a little Flathead screwdriver and wire cutters to do this. 

I called my dad approx. 15 times and cut my finger and ruined my manicure a well as my manicure tools (yes, I did not have proper tools to do this task so made it work with what I had). 
The instructions on the back of the packages are crap. eHow is much better. In retrospect, I should have gone there first. You really need pictures though, because the old lamp socked I had was different than the new one I put in.
First problem (of many), was getting the old wires out. I ended up using a paper clip to release the clip that was locking the wires into place.
I looked at the bottom of the lamp for a while- yes, the felt on the bottom of the lamp does need to come off and I was able to peel mine back and re-stick back on.  
For all the 10 steps that come after this, go to eHow!
E came out and asked me what was taking so long (3 hours) and then, I quote, says “that is the ugliest lamp I have ever seen.”  I am super proud of my “bordello” lamp and can’t wait to set it up in our new guest room. Yup there are feathers on the bottom of the shade & no, I do not agree with E that it "looks like it came from the Goodwill." Only thing, is I have to warn my mom not to electrocute yourself when turning it off and on- J/K ;)
So, moral of this post is you CAN do anything you set your mind to and Goodwill is the shizz for getting awesome cheap home goods. 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday Favs: Kitchen Edition

So my little bro is engaged and I've already begun to ponder, what can I do to insert my opinions onto his registry and possible make myself annoying.
We may no longer be children, but little brothers are made for big sisters to boss and terrorize for life.
Anyhoo, here are some of my fav kitchen things (that I'm going to recommend to lil' bro :))

The K-Cup brewer
Awesome because I can have my cup of coconut - flavored coffee while E can have his extra dark. Plus it's super fast.
Note- I am taking full use of the Costco membership- also a "kitchen fav"

The Jack LaLanne Juicer
Nothing says "I Love You" than taking care of your health so you can spend a long life together :)
OK, so this is a picture of a disassembled juicer, but you get the idea. Spinach and orange juice are my fav.

Recipe Planning System
Whether you do it online, or just write it down, it'll helps you save time at the grocery store, as well as help you stick to a food budget.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Photo Bombs

We have a lot of parties at my office. Too many. We eat a lot.
We also take too many pictures for an office party. One very sweet co-worker loves the "action" shot, where no one is paying any attention. Today, we had yet another going-away party (What's that you say, Kim, didn't you just have one yesterday? Why, yes, we did.)

Here's the email I sent to E:

Subject: OMG!

WTF, this is me at our pizza party. I’m going to break anonymous' camera and he’s going to be banned from parties if he keeps on with these candids.

and the attachment: 
my cardi looks like it's straining to keep all my goodies in check, and I'm not going into how my poor pants are takin' it to the limit.
Oh, this went to the entire staff of 40+ with the rest of the pics.
Here's another great "candid" of me at last year's Christmas party:
Split ends are my enemy, what can I say?
From now on, I only want "posed" shots, where I can suck it all in and not look like a freak.
Uhh, scratch that. No pictures at any kind of "costume-related" party.
Better, the best part is that I'm at the delicious dessert table. My favorite place to be.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Haters gonna Hate

The Party Girls Guide: Haters gonna Hate is the theme for today's link-up post & today is the perfect day for me to rage.
Here's what I'm Hatin'!

  1. Stupid delivery people (with no cell phones). I get to work at 9am, I like it. It allows me to sleep until 8ish. Today I got to work at 8am. Why? Because we were having a breakfast celebration/ meeting my boss asked me to plan. Chick-fil-A was supposed to deliver delicious mini biscuits, fruit, and utensils by 8:30am. Well, stupid delivery man apparently doesn’t know the “quadrants” of DC and got lost and then hung up on me when I was trying to give him instructions and then just stopped answering his calls. He showed up at 9:30a. The mtg. started at 9am. He had some sketchy burner-pay-as-you go phone and didn’t want to pay for the calls apparently.
  2. Gaining weight. After 30 it sucks, you can’t lose it as fast and forget about having an “off-week”. You’ll pay for the next month!
  3. Taking vitamins in the morning & that barf-y feeling.
  4. Bathroom creepers. Seriously, sitting in a stall quietly and not doing anything or worse yet, talking on their phone. I just want to use our public restroom alone and in peace. 
  5. People who can’t (or won’t) control their dogs. Um, your dog is jumping all over me and it’s scratching me and it kinda hurts and I don’t like dirt on me. Thanks. 
  6. People who can’t (or won’t) control their kids. (Sidebar, I don’t have them & today’s different then when I was a kid). BUT, if we were bad in the store, my mom would leave her stuff and walk out. We then received our punishment when we got home (like standing in the corner). It happened very few times before we figured out that if mom says, “if you’re not good, I’m leaving right now,” she meant it and then we were in big azz trouble.  My favorite is when little Johnny is throwing a fit and the parent is all “I’m going to count to 3, then you’re in trouble”, they count to 3, then... nothing. 
  7. I of course hate all the serious stuff- prejudice against any kind of people, people hurting other people or animals, kids going hungry while others can send their kids to Europe for summer camp, ok now I’m depressing myself. You get the idea. 
Sorry no pics for today! I do better next time.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

How I'm Going Out

There is a gigantic beetle-ish bug in our bathroom, and he only comes out when I'm in the shower (he's a perv).
I am too much of a chicken Buddhist to think of killing him, but he always manages to disappear when E shows up to get rid of him.
Sidebar: I blame all the men in my life for catering to me and getting rid of bugs for me (growing up). Now I am horrified and cannot do it myself. Unless I'm alone, then I use the vacuum cleaner extension. One time I called my dad to see if I sprayed a giant cockroach with hairspray, would that paralyze the roach until E got home.
Anyhoo, I've put both E and the cats on a #1, top priority mission to find and remove this menace before something BAD happens. Any by bad, I  mean the following very imminent scenario: I'm washing my hair, contacts out, which means I'm defenseless and blind and the big bug flies onto my back. I scream and in shock then fall (nude) our of the shower and down the stairs (yes, we have steps in our bathroom). E will find me in a bloody, nude mess and have to call the ambulance. I will of course be in the most un-flattering pose and well, nude. I do not want firemen, EMTs, or the like to have to put me up on the gurney all nude and white. I need lipo and a spray tan before that happens.
Soooo that got me thinking, have you ever played a game called, "Would you Rather"? Basically, what out of 3 craptastic scenarios would you rather choose.
  1. Getting taken away nude on a gurney
  2. Having the emergency room docs cutting off granny panties (not that I wear or own them or anything, but maybe if I did, I would think they are comfortable). Horrors.
  3.  Having the docs cut off good, pricey underwears along with a favorite pair of Seven jeans they no longer make. 
  4. And then what if you don't get the expensive (or granny) cut-up underwear back? Gross. (hmm, that could be the beginning to a very good Lifetime movie though....)

E and the cats just better catch this dern bug before any of these plights happen to me. My hypochondria is getting to me.

Since I couldn't find the bug to take a pic, this is me re-enacting how a trip to the loo is. Apparently, I should be reacting to how disgusting my mirror is (yea, those are water spots non the mirror, not barrettes in my hair). Note the death stairs in the background.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up

I remember being a kid and I was so excited to go to a garage sale that had toys lined up in someone's yard, my brothers and I would fight each other to get out of the minivan and run to grab the toys. My poor mom would always be yelling behind me- "kids, don't run"! (I think eventually before she would unleash us, she would talk to us about not running).

Anyhoo, this weekend, the local library had their Annual Book Sale to raise money. A friend told me how awesome it was last year, and I just happened to go Saturday right when they were having it.
Seriously, I had my mom's voice in my head saying "Kim don't run!"
Reading and discounts- it's my mecca.

Being the dutiful wife that I am, I thought I'd get the hubs a book (along with the 9 I got for myself).
Guess which one is for me and which one is for E?

Saturday evening, I needed to rest after all the excitement of buying discount books at the library, so I rented This is 40. More like This is Terrible, This is Shameful (I am wasting my time watching this), This is Nepotism (at it's worst), you get the idea. I wasn't a fan.

I also attempted to make some homemade (healthy) banana pudding. Now Paula Deen's not yo mamas banana pudding is my go-to, but while delish is not good for the badonk. The healthy was OK, but I think over-ripe bananas are key for the strong nanner flavor.

Obvs, when I have an eventful weekend and go out with friends or do something outside of the home, I take no pictures. When I do nothing and act like a dorky shut-in, I have pics (one pic, whatever). Go figure.
Happy Monday.

Friday, April 19, 2013

HH Friday

Eeks, I'm a terrible blogger. I'm spending too much (stressful) time with this house buying stuff.
With that, I'm starting my weekend. Here's my new fav spring drink.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


I'm frustrated today. Mostly with this house buying process, but also with our government. I'm mad at rotten people doing evil in our world. Sigh.
I'm leaving y'all with a Maroon 5 quote that I wish our home sellers and elected officials would heed.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Super Late Weekend Wrap Up

I realized I have been waiting for nothing. The pics from this weekend are terrible. I’m really firing E from being my personal photographer. Sooo, onward. 

Friday, I went for our home inspection. I took pictures…. only of the stuff I want to re-do when we move in (like paint colors), but the inspector was very thorough- thank GOD! The negotiations are still on-going. Does anyone have a home warranty and want to discuss their experience with that?

Saturday was E’s Birthday. So we ate like champs and let it all digest at a Nats game. Here's where I wanted super-cute pics of us in our Nats tees. 
Cupcake appetizer at Lavender Moon

Main course at Spike's Good Stuff Eatery. Why, yes, yes, those are milkshakes in the background. Don't judge!

Sunday, I was all over Craigslist, because what do you do when you haven’t quite bought a house yet? You buy rugs for that house! Craigslist should be renamed thebomb.com because we got a great deal on 3 area rugs. I still never got an answer as to how this guy has so many rugs in plastic still. Our apartment is looking like Aladdin’s rug emporium.

Kim Out- I have to get back on Craigslist to buy more items for our "nest".

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Beantown Love

This blog is experiencing some technical difficulties. I wanted to do a great post about our super busy & fun weekend (since it was the hubs’ birthday and participated in my first ever home inspection). The hubs has all the pics since my iPhone is on the fritz.
One of these days I might recap.
So today, I will reiterate what everyone else has already said (on their blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and more eloquently- I am saddened by what happened in Boston yesterday. It scares me working close to the Capitol/ White House. I feel powerless that I could do anything to make a change so these tragedies don’t continue to happen.
I guess all one can do is be a good person to outnumber all the sickos and do what you can to help like give blood or money.  This quote was shared a lot yesterday, but I liked it, so enjoy if you haven’t seen or heard this yet.
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