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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Cheap Shizz I Do

I am so honored my girls at Champagne-n-Pizza and The Party Girls Guide nominated me for a Liebster. I promise I will do my homework soon!
Anyhoo, I’ll be doing that later since I have a busy day today. I am doing a focus group on cat food. And they’re paying me $200 bones. That’s right my friends, of all the focus groups available, I get picked for one on cat food.(I've submitted for hair care, shopping, banking, etc.)
If you’re in the DC area you can sign up to participate in focus groups here: http://www.shugollresearch.com/

It got me thinking about some of my other money makin' & money savin' schemes:

  •  I also secret shop. Hey, I got a free oil change this month. https://www.shopperscritique.com/
  •  I use coupons, and
  •  sometimes if I see coupons on the top of the recycler, I take them!
  •  I’ll get a $50 gift card on eBay for $48
  •  I get free filtered water (in a cup) at Starbucks (we also get a ton of coffee there, so I think that’s fair 
  •  I scout Travel Zoo for hotel deals for a fun trips (like to NYC this weekend)
  •  I sneak snacks into the movies in my purse 
  • When the laundry detergent is almost out, I turn it upside down and for good measure, I swirl washing machine water around in it & dump what little remains into the load. 
What schemes do you have to save or make money?


  1. I scout travel zoo, too! I will stalk ebay, but I wind up spending more and stuff I find. We have an awesome vintage/ thrift store in town where I take my clothes and swap them out for new stuff. It's fun!

    Our local grocery has "meal deals" where you buy one item and get 4 items free, so I do that sometimes, too. :)

    We camp on the weekend because we spend A LOT LESS MONEY than when we stay in town. Camping = $100 MAX; staying in town = $200 minimum. Camping wins in my book!

  2. Ok I want to do a cat focus group and secret shop!

  3. i usually eat first before heading out to a restaurant with friends. this is actually two fold: (1) because i don't know what's on the menu, this prevents me from eating high-calorie foods (2)paying for a $12 appy is way better than paying $50 for an entree!


Thanks for your comments kind readers- prost!

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