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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

(Gross) Tales from Work

I do procurements, budget, and admin for a technical dept in the government. I am also our safety coordinator, recycling POC, fixer of copiers, jack of all trades. Example, once people were fighting over the ac/ office temp. One person would call in and say it’s too hot and then someone would call and say they were too cold, so now I’m the only one who can call in when something is broken or needs maintenance because. This has led to me calling about everything.
My request today:
Feces and water are coming up from a drain in the men’s room. (Don’t worry; I wasn’t in the men’s room). BTW, the person reporting the issue to me did not say feces, but I try to be a professional.
Speaking of feces, here’s my all-time favorite service request:
There appears to be dog feces in the hallway by the elevator (yup people bring their dogs in occasionally, to a government office building, and apparently don’t realize when they take a shadoobie in the halls). It was originally, “there’s dog shit in the hallway. At least I hope it’s dog shit”. See how professional I am.
I’ve also complained about giant dead roaches in the hallway that no one has picked up, mice that have made a nest in the bottom of someone’s bookcase, loud noises coming from a vent, theft of Fiber 1 bars out of a desk, and the list goes on. 

In case you've missed it, here's what my office looks like. Please try to contain your excitement.  

 I am here at your service. No dog pile is too offensive for me to handle.

What's the weirdest thing that's ever happened in your office?



  1. Haha. I was in procurement, too, and then fleet, and now I'm in HR.

    Weirdest happenings at my old office (many years ago)? We found a dildo in the ladies' bathroom. Yup.

    1. Oh! And one girl, recently, had a rat's nest in her file cabinet. When I went in to help her (because, even though I'm freaked out I do enjoy freaking other people out more by acting all whatever), there was a horrid collection of food and junk in the drawer. It was the drawer she kept her lunch in every day. How did she not see that?

  2. in this building (but not when i was working here), a guy came in with a gun to threaten his girlfriend.

    some person who got fired smeared shit all over one of the stalls in the ladies room.

    that's about it.

  3. hahah oh gosh...no one should have to deal with feces at work!!

  4. I think I was there for the dog dooky and the cockroach incidents!

    My first odd experience was when I was working at a grocery store when it was being robbed. I had no clue it was going on and didn't find out about it until it was over. Most of my coworkers were hiding in the back room and no one thought to come tell us over at the deli that it was going on and to get hid.

    The second was when a coworker of mine got assaulted in his bosses office by the husband of the other coworker he had been messing around with.



Thanks for your comments kind readers- prost!

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